Saturday, October 24, 2009

Go Out on the Damn Date

Some of you men exhaust me.  Especially you Match men.  You wink, then you IM, or you send an email and then you take another week and send another email.

Haven't any of you worked in a business world before?  Are you as inefficient with your business?  No wonder Orange County is in such a mess financially. 

Just get on with it, will you?  See, the thing is I don't want to spend a month getting to know your photo face and then finally meeting you for some coffee and finding out you are a complete bore.  And if you happen to be amazing and the best kisser in all of Orange County, I'd rather know that tonight, say in the next 30 minutes rather than wait three weeks to find out.

Shouldn't the kissing commence if there is going to be kissing?  I'm telling you.  Women in business especially women of the pre middle age sort...well, we could get things done.

So, ask us to go out on a damn date.  Don't say, "Maybe we should hang out sometime."  Ugh.  Hanging out is for kids.  Ask me on a real date like a real man would ask.  I'll show up like a real women in a skirt and everything.

You might end up with some real making out. 

If you IM me to death, you get nothin'. 

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