Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dating Firemen. Our Civic Duty.

B and I have much in common including our great appreciation for men. As I’m ought to do, I run through the list of the men in my dating queue. You know…maybe I’m not dating them but we’ve dated before and it’s been amazing and we might date again but we’re not quite sure we’re the right fit for long term.

Play dates. No, not booty calls. That’s so 20’s. I’m pre middle age. I like play dates. And they don’t have to be in bed. Sometimes they are terribly great little dinner dates or drinks at bars or running-into-each-other for kissing dates because in your 30's you are damn busy.

I’m damn busy.

And then, there are the exceptions. Firemen. B and I both have had firemen encounters of the non burning down the house variety.

I leaned in and asked her, "did you sleep with him?" She paused, smiled, sighed and answered, "He's a fireman.".

We both knew that meant yes.

I told B, “you know those boots the firemen put out for fundraisers on the corner…..? It’s like we’re making a donation.”

“Yes, it’s really a civic duty.”

Any of you firemen out there, keep wearing your fire company t-shirts on your off day. Put a picture of you in your uniform on Do what you have to do to let us know you’re of the hero sort because chances are, well, very likely chances are, you’ll run into someone willing to donate to a hero cause.

And it’s a very good donation.

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